i just got stuck on this game, and with the medals. tha was a great update to do!
-gameplay isn't so boring, it has a great graphics and guns. the gun power is more powerful. so i haven't to shoot so long to kill other guys.
-beats EVERY thing thing games.
-character suits, hairs and other stuff. they're great on this one! faces are nice thing.
-blood is made really nice!
-emotions. now character isn't boring, because it moves better now. head and hands are going cool with the mouse.
-i haven't to shoot all time of my life the enemy to the death. every weapon has the right power and it makes it more realistic.
-guns. they're awesome. not so simple as even thing thing 4! just made so cool. bullet shells, the loading, and empty cases (goes out, and they're left on there, they don't disappear!).
-bodies. thank god they don't disappear. it's cool when i can see everything what i've been done. nothing bad on that when there's bodies everywhere. it looks cool.
-would you fix the flashing hands bug fast as you can? it's annoyning. i can't change the body and feet, only head. and the winkling makes me mad.
it's simply (discounting the bug...) perfect! If there's coming thing thing arena 4, i hope that would be the most epic one of the EVERY thing thing games!